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Academic Writing

A collection of my favorite papers I have completed for college level courses and beyond. This includes language and literary analysis, as well as extensive STEM-based research papers, as shown at the bottom of this page.

Theory of Writing Portfolio
April 2023

Over the course of Language 120, students were tasked with putting together a collection of findings that detail their experiences with writing, as well as elements and techniques in writing that make for engaging work. This collection includes an introductory letter to first year students, an analysis of genres within a discourse community and a personal essay on writing experience. 

Letter to First-Year Students

An introductory letter to first-year students in Language 120, encompassing my overall experience in the class, material I've learned, current outlooks on writing, and the point of this portfolio.


Fine Art as a Discourse Community

Introductory Note: 

With a small essay for Language 120, I argue that fine art is a defined discourse community with unique characteristics that separate it from other social groups. Through a series of interviews and personal experience, I explore motifs and traits in communication that are specific to art, while breaking down the differences within smaller art groups. As an investigation, this shows the communicative traits that make discourse communities unique, while also understanding the complexity of groups within those communities.

Creation and Expression From Rigidity

Introductory Note: 

In a short essay for Language 120, I explore my own relationship with writing as a form of expression and as a process, intending to recount the progression of my perspectives. Initially a journal entry, this piece was refined into a short, conversational essay with shades of a casual speech. As a reflection, this served to clarify my ties to writing, and to understand what can make writing a positive and fulfilling experience for me, especially when viewed as artistic expression.

Annotated Bibliography

Godzilla and Monstrous Reflections of Culture
December 2022

In my final research paper for Humanities 124: The Ancient World, I explore the concept of monsters as cornerstones of their culture, specifically with Godzilla and Japan. With the country's past tragedies that spawned the iconic monster, Godzilla has his place as a legitimate cultural representation, just as many other figures throughout history do.

Bob Dylan and Social Commentary
May 2022

My culminating paper for IB English Language and Literature HL II, which includes a variety of Bob Dylan's songs from the 1960's. Through detailed literary analysis of "John Brown," "Oxford Town," and "Tombstone Blues" I explore Dylan's commentary on that era of the United States and its relation to historical events.

Expectations Behind Austen-Era Marriage
November 2020

Photo Essay

My final literary analysis of Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen for IB English Language and Literature HL I centers around the idea of marriage and the social norms at the time of the novel's conception. Through the use of a photographic essay, I discuss Austen's divergence from the expectations of the era, and the power of making rifts in accepted norms.

Accompanying Paper and Analysis

How Much Does Salary Define Skill in the NHL?
December 2021

My Internal Assessment for IB Math Analysis and Approaches SL II is a statistical research paper based on professional hockey. In my most extensive paper to date, I explore the relationship between the salaries of NHL players and their production on the ice, to see if there is any true logic for the controversial amount of money that professional athletes make.

Hooke's Law and Elasticity in Hockey Sticks
March 2022

My Internal Assessment for IB Physics HL II is an exploration of the elastic qualities of hockey sticks, and if they follow Hooke's Law, which describes such properties. This paper consists of an experiment designed by myself and the analysis of its results, as well as their application to the sport of hockey.

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